Emergency Prep
- Emergency – Police, Fire, Ambulance | Call 911
- PrepareDE
- Delaware.org – Emergency Preparedness
- Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) (707) 488-7100 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS) (215) 861-4100 - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
(800) 424-9346 - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
www.fbi.gov- (302) 734-3517, Dover Office
- (302) 658-4391, Wilmington Office
- (410) 265-8080, Baltimore Office
- (215) 418-4400, Philadelphia Office
- (202) 278-2000, Washington DC Office
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
(302) 573-6447, Wilmington Office - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
(202) 566-1600 - U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
(800) 321-6742 - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
(202) 619-0257 - HHS Office of Emergency Preparedness, National Disaster Medical System
(800) 872-6367
(301) 443-1167 - U.S. Department of Homeland Security
(202) 772-9848
- American Red Cross
Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources - American Health Care Association Guidebook (AHCA)
- ASPR TRACIE (Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange)
- Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA)
Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources - Delaware Department of Public Health (DPH) Public Health Preparedness Section (PHPS) – DPH PHPS is responsible for planning and coordinating response to public health emergencies. Check out the PHPS web site for resources.
- Department of Homeland Security
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Site Management - Ready.Gov
The Ready.Gov web site has resources for individuals and businesses. - Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)
Resources for Public Emergency Preparedness - New AHRQ Planning Guide for Mass Medical Care When Demand Is Greater than Resources
AHRQ released a condensed version of a 2007 mass medical care planning guide that contains updated resources and new information specific to H1N1. Mass Medical Care With Scarce Resources: The Essentials is a resource for community planners to prepare for public health emergencies, such as pandemic flu, when demand for medical resources outweighs supply. The 70-page guide sets out a framework of basic steps that planners may take to prepare for a mass casualty event. It addresses key questions that each community should ask to properly plan for a well-coordinated operational response. The guide addresses ethical and legal issues and provides tips on preparing for the provision of services to address pre-hospital, acute hospital care, alternative care sites, and palliative care during disaster conditions. To illustrate how to apply these basic principles, the guide also includes a special section on influenza pandemic preparedness. This new resource is an abbreviated version of AHRQ’s Mass Medical Care With Scarce Resources: a Community Planning Guide. Mass Medical Care With Scarce Resources: The Essentials was prepared by Sally J. Phillips, R.N., Ph.D., and Kelly J. Johnson, M.P.H., of AHRQ and Ann Knebel, R.N., D.N.Sc., of the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. A print copy is available by sending an e-mail to AHRQPubs@ahrq.hhs.gov. - Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources - Preparedness Buddy
New Castle County:
Kent County:
Sussex County:
- WZBH – 93.5 FM
- WSSR – 900 AM
Television Stations:
- WTMC – 1380 AM
Local News Media – Newspapers and TV & Radio Stations:
Radio Stations:
- WAFL – 97.7 FM
- WDEL – 1150 AM
- WDSD – 94.7 FM
- WGMD – 92.7 FM
- WILM – 1450 AM
- WJBR – 99.5 FM
- WSTW – 93.7 FM
- WVUD – 91.3 FM
- KYW – 1060 AM
Television Stations:
- ABC (6) Philadelphia DEAD LINK
- ABC (2) Baltimore DEAD LINK
- CBS (3) Philadelphia
- CBS (13) Baltimore
- Fox (16) Salisbury – WBOC
- Fox (29) Philadelphia
- Fox (45) Baltimore
- NBC (10) Philadelphia
- NBC (11) Baltimore
- WHYY (12) Philadelphia
- WMPT Baltimore
- Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, US Department of Homeland Security Presentation
- CISA Website
- CISA Tools and Resources
- Cybersecurity Best Practices
Green – Low Risk of Terrorist Attacks
- Alert all staff to the current threat level.
- Advise all personnel to report the presence of unknown or suspicious persons, vehicles, mail, and other suspicious activities.
- Caution all personnel regarding discussing the facility and its operations with outsiders.
Security and Plan Assessment:
- Ensure existing security measures such as fencing, locks, camera surveillance, intruder alarms, card-access security systems, and lighting are in proper working order.
- Implement positive ID access-control procedures for all people (including visitors and contractors) at critical locations in the facility. Require use of company photo ID or government-issued photo ID. Keep access logs.
- Practice emergency access plans.
- Review, test and refine security and disaster plans (e.g., fire, bomb threats, biological agents, suspicious mail, cyber attacks, evacuation, and employee phone lists).
- Regularly train personnel on security plans, response measures, security standards, and security procedures.
- Regularly conduct facility risk and vulnerability assessments, which include possible impact from surrounding facilities. Install security equipment and plan measures required at higher threat levels.
- Identify and conduct risk and vulnerability assessments on critical processes and technical systems.
- Develop and implement hardware, software and communications security for computer-based operational systems.
- Review guard service contract compliance, post orders, training programs, and emergency staffing capabilities.
- Establish policies on the prosecution of criminal offenses against the facility.
- Establish local, regional and system-wide emergency threat and warning communication processes, within the company, with law enforcement and with state and regional industry regulatory agencies.
Continue to review and test emergency operations plans with suppliers, contractors and business affiliates (landowners, building managers of tenant offices, etc.).
- Advise local police and fire agencies regarding the status of the alert threat level and of the security measures being employed.
- Ensure all emergency-services agencies have directions to your site and phone numbers of critical site personnel.
- Coordinate the release of information to the media with the Communications and Security Departments.
Blue – Guarded Risk of Terrorist Attacks
In addition to the measures outlined for Threat Level Green – Low.
- Alert all staff to the current threat level.
- Review all operations plans, personnel assignments and logistical requirements that pertain to implementing higher threat conditions.
- Instruct employees working alone at remote locations to check in periodically.
Vehicle Security:
Inspect all vehicles entering critical areas of the facility, including the cargo areas, undercarriage, glove compartments and other areas where dangerous items could be concealed.
- Communicate higher alert level to nearby facilities and emergency responders.
- Notify local police and fire agencies of the change in alert level and advise them of the security measures being employed.
Yellow – Elevated Risk of Terrorist Attacks
In addition to the measures outlined for Threat Levels: Green – Low; and Blue – Guarded.
- Alert all staff to the current threat level.
- Close and lock all gates, except those needed for immediate entry and egress at the facility. Install road barriers, if necessary.
- Implement screening procedures for incoming office mail and other deliveries.
- Expedite completion of all outstanding maintenance and capital project work that could affect the security of the facility.
- Limit visitation and confirm that every visitor is authorized to be in any critical locations. All unknown visitors should be escorted to critical locations.
- Request periodic patrol checks from police agency serving the facility.
Vehicle Security:
- Direct that all personal, company and contractor vehicles at critical locations be secured and parked at a distance from the critical areas.
- Advise local police and fire agencies that the alert level has changed to Elevated and notify them of the security measures being employed.
- Ensure that all telephones, radio, and satellite communication systems are in place and operational.
- Test emergency communication procedures to ensure security plans can be mobilized.
Orange – High Risk of Terrorist Attacks
In addition to the measures outlined for Threat Levels: Green – Low; Blue – Guarded; and Yellow – Elevated.
- Alert all staff to the current threat level.
- Increase the frequency of security inspections and patrols within the facility. Special attention should be given to buildings, storage tanks, water intake, gas and electric supply and telecommunications.
- Increase the frequency of security inspections of unmanned or remote sites.
- Facility managers should periodically provide security updates
- Confirm availability of security resources that can assist with 24/7 coverage.
- Secure critical facilities.
- Ensure that all security personnel have been briefed on policies governing the use of force and pursuit.
- Consult local authorities about control of public roads and access points that might make the facility more vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
- Cancel or delay all non-vital facility work conducted by contractors or have company personnel continuously monitor the contractors’ work.
Vehicle Security:
- Set up more barriers to control the direction of traffic.
- Advise local police agencies that the alert level is at a HIGH (Orange) and advise them of the security measures being employed.
Red – Severe Risk of Terrorist Attacks
In addition to the measures outlined for Threat Levels: Green – Low; Blue – Guarded; Yellow – Elevated; and Orange – High.
- Activate Command Center.
- Activate Emergency Response Plans for critical facilities.
- Request assistance from local police agencies in securing access to the facility.
- Initiate staff recall and staffing plans.
- Cancel or delay unnecessary employee travel and leave.
- Implement Contingency Plans.
- Security should continually check the perimeter of the facility.
- Reduce staffing at high-risk facilities to the lowest possible levels.
- Identify areas where explosive devices could be hidden.
Vehicle Security:
- Move all automobiles and other non-stationary items away from critical facilities.
- Install collision barriers.
- Verify all incoming vehicles.
- Check, to the extent possible, all vehicles, people, mail, packages, etc entering the buildings.
- Advise local police agencies that the alert level is at a Severe (Red) and advise them of the security measures being employed.
- Request increase in patrols at the facility.
The Guidelines above were developed in part by the New Jersey Hospital Association.