
DHCFA On Board With Incite Strategic Partners

Delaware Health Care Facilities Association is partnering with Incite Strategic Partners, a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) serving skilled nursing and assisted living providers. Delaware is one of 24 AHCA/NCAL State Affiliates to sign on to the program.

Incite logo

Visit the DHCFA/Incite webpage here to learn more about the savings & solutions, education and events, and resources available to members who sign on with Incite (which is free). This includes Blue Dot Community, Incite’s learning library with videos, articles, and links for dining and nutrition teams.

Check out AHCA’s blog about the partnership.

Check out Incite’s Presentation: Incite-Strategic-Partnership.

Incite will be on hand at DHCFA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show. DHCFA members can meet with Walter Miley, Incite’s Delaware Representative, and Nick Trankito, Vice President of Business Development to discuss the GPO. 

One product that Incite offers to its members will help you comply with the final rule titled Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities, under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act and the cultural competency rule in Delaware’s Resident Rights, is Voyce™ translations services. Voyce connects users to a live medical interpreter in 240+ languages, including American Sign Language (ASL).  View this 2-minute video to understand better how easy Voyce is to use.

Voyce provides preferred rates to Incite GPO members, making providing interpreter services easier and more affordable within your organization. AHCA/NCAL-DHCFA members who join Incite are only billed for time spent with an interpreter, and discounted rates are $0.75/minute for audio, $0.85/minute for video, and $1.29/minute for ASL. Devices like iPads and rolling carts can also be rented or purchased from Voyce if needed.

Incite also offers a free Abenity Employee Perks Program, providing your employee’s local coupons, tickets, holiday offers, monthly giveaways, and more.


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