
Sponsorships and Exhibit Space available: Contact education@dhcfa.org

Eagle’s Law Staffing Ratio Waiver Process Effective 1/1/25


2024 DHCFA Education Conference and Trade Show Scores a Touchdown!

November 7  |  Bally’s Casino Resort  |  Dover, DE

Cheers to all our attendees, speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors for making this a winning event!

Lofland Park’s Gray-Mears Honored as an AHCA/NCAL Future Leader

Beverly Gray-Mears, Senior Director of Nursing at Genesis Lofland Park, is among 54 professionals selected by The American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) as  2024 Future Leaders of Long Term Care in America and 15 individuals as Diversity Executive Leadership Program (DELP) scholars for its 2024-2025 class. The programs kick off this week with leadership training for the participants in Washington, D.C.

Cheryl Heiks, DHCFA Executive Director, said “Beverly is an outstanding leader in our long-term care community and we are thrilled that she has been recognized nationally.” Read More.

DHCFA on Board With Incite Group Purchasing Partnership

Incite logoDelaware Health Care Facilities Association is partnering with Incite Strategic Partners, a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) serving skilled nursing and assisted living providers. Delaware is one of 24 AHCA/NCAL State Affiliates to sign on to the program.

Visit the DHCFA/Incite webpage here to learn more about the savings & solutions, education and events, and resources available to members who sign on with Incite (which is free). This includes Blue Dot Community, Incite’s learning library with videos, articles, and links for dining and nutrition teams. Read more. 

Genesis Lofland Park Center Earns Top Honor for Superior Performance

Genesis Lofland Park Center, a 110-bed skilled nursing facility, has been recognized as a 2024 recipient of the Gold – Excellence in Quality Award by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). The award is the final step in three progressive levels of awards through the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program, which recognizes high-quality long term and post-acute care organizations.

Genesis Lofland Park was one of only two providers nationwide to receive the prestigious Gold – Excellence in Quality Award this year. Read more.

Staffing Shift Ratio Waiver Extended to January 1, 2025

The epilogue language in the  SB325 FY25 Operating Budget Bill, introduced and passed by the Senate and House on June 20, extends the staffing shift ratios waiver until January 1, 2025. Skilled nursing facilities must continue providing 3.28 hours of direct care per resident per day. 

While the waiver is in place, the Department of Health Care Quality will start collecting data on shift ratios to help measure where staffing challenges exist.

Delaware's Quality Award Winners