
New Castle County COVID-19 Memorial Event Planned for May 11

As of March 18, there have been 1,368 COVID-19 deaths in New Castle County.   On May 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Glasgow Park Hermitage Area, New Castle County will hold a Day of Remembrance in honor of New Castle County residents who lost their lives to COVID-19.   In addition to the ceremony, support resource exhibits, singing, and supportive fellowship, we are creating photo collages of those who died and creating a flag garden with names of the deceased.


Flags can be obtained from New Castle County libraries, recreation centers, Gilliam Building and the Government Center.  Community members will be asked to write their loved one’s name on the flag and turn it in to facility staff by May 5.

Community Submission Process for Photos

Email a 4” x 6” photo to COVID19MEMORIAL@NEWCASTLEDE.GOV.  Be sure to include their full name.  Photos will be included on banners to be hung inside the Glasgow Park Bank Baron and be on display through October.  Please submit a photo NO LATER THAN April 19.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Jane Ratteni if you have any questions or concerns regarding the event and submissions.

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