
◂  May 2022

Humor & Dementia: It IS a Laughing Matter!

Published by: jtonge

Topics in Dementia Care for Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Professionals
Lori Dierolf, BA, PCHA, CDP, CADDCT, CMDCP, CAEd, Instructor

Information and Registration Here

$60/members and $75 /nonmembers 
Register for 6-session series and save!

Humor is a form of communication. It can forge relationships and help people cope with life. Yet “humor” is generally not a word many associate with “dementia.”  This session outlines why it SHOULD BE – by reviewing the health benefits of laughter, identifying the types of humor that are best for someone with dementia, and by discussing what “gray humor” is.


  • Recognize the health benefits of humor and laughter
  • Distinguish between different types of humor and determine which work well for those living with dementia
  • Review changes in the brain of a person with dementia and the impact those changes on a person’s sense of humor
  • Define gray humor and its role in stigmatizing dementia and the elderly

Contact: or 302-235-6895

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